Lele Rooms | Your Room in Rome

Book now in advance and save up to 15%

Plan your trip in advance and reduce the price! You can take advantage of a 15% discount on the applied rates if you book your room at least 60 days in advance.

The promotion cannot be combined with other offers and is not refundable.

You can book by writing to info@lelerooms.com

The more you sleep the less you pay. Save up to 10%

Take the time you want to discover Rome and experience the eternal city at 360 degrees: the more nights you spend at Lele Rooms, the more you save.
Starting from the fifth night at our facility, you will receive a 10% discount on the total cost of your stay.

E.g. 4 nights x €80 = €320
5 nights x €80 = €400 – 10% = €360
6 nights x €80 = €480 – 10% = €432

The offer cannot be combined with other ongoing promotions and is not refundable.

You can book by writing to info@lelerooms.com